Using Yoga for Weight Loss & Benefits of Oxygen Intensity

Nowadays carrying excess weight is a burden for many. Numbers are growing due to various types of lock downs and homestays, often with little opportuntiy for sports exercises, or, with little to zero motivation to do something for fitness. Besides, modern lifestyles are already increasingly sluggish and many jobs are deskbound. If that was not problematic enough, furthermore, peoples diet consists more and more of processed, fatty and sweet food items, high in calories, additives and preservatives, lacking vitamins and minerals. Children prefer sitting in front of the television over playing outside in fresh air with their friends, which is perhaps a direct reflection on parents who prefer television over socializing or even making time for their children. This only scratches the surface of the social move towards a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle leading to a growing number of people frustrated over their look, their inability to walk even short distances without getting breathless or tired fast, frustrated over social reactions of overweight persons, crippled by sadness and grief when experiencing the difficulties of reducing weight and keeping the good results durable.

Yoga is a discipline designed to make the body strong and flexible and enhance the overall health of the digestive system as well as the hormonal and circulatory systems. Yoga also assists you in controlling mental stress and achieving peace of mind. Yoga has strong spiritual benefits which will see you becoming more content with yourself and more comfortable with who you are, all these aspects enhance emotional stability. The mental component is often neglected in a physical approach to weight loss, but it is critical and should not be overlooked. So called “Comfort food” is a frequent problem for people who yo-yo diet (rapidly lose and gain weight). The ability to be happy with your health and who you are, reduces the need for this.

Yoga is based on deep and controlled breathing which is a method for enhancing our oxygen intake. This allows oxygen to travel to the fat cells in our body and assist in their processing. One may ask, given the benefits, why more people don’t practice Yoga?

Many people perhaps think of Yoga as a passive or mystical discipline, not knowing it is easy to practice for everybody. This is an unfortunate misperception. A fact is that Yoga improves the physical body as well as the mental health. Yoga considers a variety of aspects which contribute to obesity, not just the physical but also the mental and spiritual reasons behind them. Regular Yoga is not only relaxing but it does bring the body back towards its ideal weight and at the same time enhances strength, flexibility and energy. Yoga practitioners tend to be slim, agile and efficient in everything they do. And, the beauty and advantage of Yoga is: it is suitable for people of all ages.

Yoga can also be used to resist the temptation of snacking between meals. Techniques learned from Yoga can be used to suppress impulses, for example those ones when we feel hunger or let’s say appetite between meals.

Yoga is not just a method of losing weight, it is actually a method which restores a natural balance to our body and moves us towards our natural state. This has an interesting consequence with weight. If we are overweight then yes, practicing regularly Yoga will cause us to lose weight. However if we are at our ideal weight we will not drop weight, and, underweight people’s system will naturally heal and bring the body to strength and healthy weight. As additional benefits, you feel engergized with Yoga and enjoy mental and emotional stability, in one word you will have a good level of ‘resilience’.
