Things I’ve Learned In Bikram Yoga
There are many reasons why you should use Bikram Yoga. The advantages of Bikram Yoga can totally change your life. It’s amazing how Yoga can trigger your life and change your perspectives.
Bikram Yoga is widely known as the “hot yoga”. It was also called the Bikram Method Yoga. This aims to build your mental and physical strength. Improving your flexibility and balance is important and covered by Bikram Yoga.
Bikram yoga has roots in Hatha yoga which was designed to heal the mind and the body.
Bikram Choudhury was the founder of Bikram Yoga. He was a founder and a yoga practitioner. He developed Bikram Yoga after he met an injury in a weightlifting accident. He was so determined that he had discovered some healing benefits in practicing some exercises. A lot of people have proven the benefits of Bikram Yoga so the practice was passed on and many people continued to practice it.
Some people practice Bikram Yoga for healing purposes and physical therapy. This type of Yoga was proven helpful in bringing holistic benefits to those who believed and practiced it.
In fact, there was a patient who suffered from a knee injury. He tried to practice Bikram Yoga and just six weeks after continuous practice, his knees started to feel better. Some difficulties and pains that he suffered from were all disappearing.
In order to be successful with the healing process of Bikram Yoga, you need devotion in practicing it.
There are some people who do not believe in the benefits of Bikram Yoga. Bikram Choudhury developed Bikram Yoga with the help of some scientists. The scientists from the University of Tokyo University Hospital proved that Bikram Yoga has medical benefits. Some of its benefits include the repairing of tissues and helps in curing chronic ailments.
The findings and benefits were presented at the International Medical Conference in the year 1972. It was stated that Bikram Yoga has the ability to affect the body internally.
The poses and pressure replenishes the cells and the flushing toxins in our body. It also oxygenates blood throughout our body keeping it clean and healthy.
While Bikram was on his research at Tokyo University, he discovered that the healing process takes place when all the body systems are functioning well, conditioned and strengthened. If the body is weak, applying the practice and healing method will be difficult to obtain.
Bikram has come up with twenty-six posture exercises which are to be practiced every day. In doing so, treatment in the body can be easily obtained. Some poses are accumulated with the combination of the western and eastern disciplines in Yoga which focuses on the stretching of the muscles, tendons, organs, nerves, glands and ligaments.
The different postures have connections and each of it precedes a posture that is helpful in treating the body effectively.
Anyone who wants to do yoga can use Biktam Yoga. It chooses no age at all. This type of yoga works with a tourniquet effect which includes balancing, stretching and creating pressure which is all done at a same time to keep a good blood flow to all the parts of the body.
Thanks to Bikram Choudhury, we can now have solutions to some of our medical problems. Always remember that dedication and devotion to Bikram Yoga is the main ingredient to staying healthy.
Have some Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is known as the 5000 year old system which was used to increase the healthy body, mind and spirit. People who do Hatha Yoga combine the stretching exercises of asanas into their practice. It includes the mental concentration and breathing techniques.
The Lotus position from Asanas is being used in practicing Hatha Yoga.
The goal of applying Hatha Yoga is just the same as using other kinds of Yoga. It aims to blend the human spirit with the peaceful spirit of the Universe. With this practice, the person doing the Yoga exercise increases their spiritual, mental, physical and emotional health and aspect.
Doing Hatha Yoga gives you peace and keeps your environment and the world as one. In doing yoga, including all types of yoga, concentration is the root or main ingredient for a successful yoga
All other types of Yoga have some similarities in one way or the other. The main focus of Hatha Yoga is to prepare the body to give in so that the spirit will be able to absorb and accomplish its mission. The spirit is responsible in lifting and enlightening. When the spirit is enlightened, the mind is relaxed and it throws away all stress and pain. The body does too.
Too many people get confused because they do not understand that if your body is not healthy and unfit; your spirit cannot successfully accomplish the task. So the goal of Hatha Yoga is perfect to apply if your spirit is weak.
Hatha Yoga will help encourage your body to move and advance positively to a level in which the spirit will be able to work properly. Your spirit and body needs to respond positively so that the mind will be able to keep up with a good concentration.
When people hear of the word Yoga, Hatha Yoga will come to their minds first. Hatha Yoga is popular and it is the popular branch of Yoga. In fact, the other style of yoga such as the Kundalini, Ashtanga, Bikram and Power Yoga has originated from Hatha Yoga.
Hatha Yoga is known as the vehicle for the soul. It is responsible for driving the body and the spirit into the universe. Just imagine soaring to the universe and feel no gravity at all. That is just so relaxing and tempting.
Concentration is something that is hard to maintain and recover. If you find yourself easily distracted by outside forces, Hatha Yoga might work to fight it.
The best thing about practicing Hatha Yoga is that it helps you find out for your self that there is a divine light that shines in you. Not only does it enlighten you but it can help you become stronger, relaxed and flexible.
The exercise involved in doing Hatha Yoga allows the spiritual energy to flow through the open energy channels. This will be possible if the mind, body and spirit is working good and has harmony. Of course maintaining a healthy body is the most important of all. If your body is weak, your mind and spirit is affected too
When you practice Hatha Yoga, you can easily cope up with stress and relieve some pain and tension. Sometimes, work leaves you wasted and exhausted so you need to relax once in a while. Hatha Yoga is the best remedy to release that pain and tension.