A Magic Dwells in Each Beginning

The Vernal Equinox is every year the beginning of the new cycle, the real start of the year and the energy booster to finally get out off the winter sleep and let go off the previous year. Spring time energizes us with fresh green grass and trees and an colorful waves of blossoming flowers. Definitely the time to start all sorts of activities like cleaning and uncluttering the house, undusting your life and commenicing new projects.
This year the new cycle kicks off on 21 March.
Have you ever thought about combining the traditional spring-cleaning with Feng Shui? While removing from your house and life elements which have overstayed and cleaning up the dust and dirt from each corner of your home, you may well apply some principles and tips from Feng Shui. This will boost your undertakings in the new yearly cycle to start.
Many people are fascinated with Feng Shui and for many good reasons. While others generally believe that it is just some oriental superstitious set of paradigms on interior design (but that is just part of the extensive definition for Feng Shui), the Feng Shui that we know now is actually comprised of various schools of learning and incorporates the different cultures under which it is housed.
The good thing about the different options pertaining to Feng Shui is that even the layman can actually be able to understand and apply it immediately in their homes without having to spend too much. And apart from that, there are other advantages that only Feng Shui can bring if you can actually open up your mind to try it.

Advantage Number 1: It brings balance to one’s life.
Have you ever found yourself completely overburdened with clutter and unnecessarily stressed out of your wits? Chances are, you are suffering from a visual imbalance of some sort in your surroundings. Now, the best way to introduce some sense of balance is by incorporating elements that provide you with a sense of control in the outer balance of things. If you are able to get some semblance of balance even in things as menial as your furniture, you are bound to find balance in other aspects equally manageable.

Advantage Number 2: It helps you become more mindful of the little things
Mindfulness in the little things can actually be a good thing. Some of us tend to be heavily focused on the big things of life that even the minor details like home arrangement and office ergonomics no longer come to play. When these “minor” aspects of life continue to take a backseat, they tend to accumulate and produce a very stressful environment which can add up to other problems and worries of life.

Advantage Number 3: It opens up possibilities of meeting new people

Meeting new people is another bonus of being a Feng Shui enthusiast. When you are applying Feng Shui, chances are, you will be able to find another person within your social network who likes the same stuff and can even help you expand your knowledge on Feng Shui, no matter how limited it is to begin with.

Advantage Number 4: It gives a fresh perspective on things
At any given time, a fresh perspective is always welcome. This positive perspective can invite changes for the better. A new way of looking at home arrangement, for example, may actually serve to benefit you in the long run. The fresh perspective brought about by Feng Shui can actually bring about an enrichment of one’s mind.

Advantage Number 5: It invites prosperity and success
The main objective of Feng Shui is to invite all the good things to one’s life. Prosperity and success can be more easily within reach and a positive disposition may be expected if Feng Shui is practiced well.

Advantage Number 6: It has aesthetic appeal
On top of all the enumerated benefits of Feng Shui, the best would probably be its beauty. The physical appeal of a well-decorated home, interspersed with good Feng Shui techniques, is actually something that you can call a personal heritage that can transcend generations and promote beauty in all aspects, including design of the home and the office.

Feng Shui Inspires to Unclutter
Part of having good feng shui is clutter management. If anything, clutter is the biggest hindrance you can have for the best flow of chi, prosperity and goodness in your life. However, few people are able to manage their clutter wisely. On a daily basis, we get tons and tons of stuff we won’t be really using for a long time. Here are some tips for you to help reduce clutter and invite good Feng Shui.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 1: Sort your mail as it comes in
Incoming mail is one of the top sources of clutter. All those bills are not just stressful if mismanaged and stashed somewhere in your home, but it is also contributory to clutter in your home. If you are really serious about getting good Feng Shui, make sure that you are able to screen your mail. Establish a system for sorting all your mail. And this also holds true for other papers you may be keeping in your home. If you neatly categorize them and throw away the ones you no longer need, you will be much better off.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 2: Opt for daily cleanings than reliance on major general cleanings

A general cleaning schedule is good, but if you are still not in the habit of cleaning on a regular basis, you may still find yourself filled with a clutter problem. So the best thing to do when you are trying to apply good Feng Shui is by exercising your cleaning powers on a daily basis, not just on a schedule. It does not have to be too rigorous if done on a daily basis. You can just start with the cleaning per day one area at a time to accomplish it effectively.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 3: Clean as you work
While working on a project, clean as you go. This means that you will not just leave stuff lying around on the table as you do your work. This ensures that the work space remains clean, and this also implies that you are open for more productive work in the future since the space is wiped free of any traces from previously done work.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 4: Be generous about your stuff
Give away the stuff you don’t need. This is a rule of thumb when it comes to cleaning up and freeing from clutter. Being generous involves giving away stuff you don’t really get to use. What you won’t use for a long time and collect dust may actually be an answer to somebody else’s problems. Just make sure that you are not transferring clutter but something that can really be of use to the person you are giving it to.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 5: Dust frequently
Dusting frequently helps keep your place clean. Dust, when accumulated also forms the clutter which we are really trying to avoid in Feng Shui.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 6: Evaluate your stuff brutally
If at all possible, have a peer to help you evaluate your stuff at home. What you may hold dear and refuse to part with is not just a sign of bad Feng Shui but may also be a sign of a hoarding problem. Aside from addressing your Feng Shui issues, the mindset on clutter ma also have to be dealt with accordingly.