Light, Air & Feng Shui Basics

Applying feng shui basics in the home need not be that complicated. There are some ways in which this ancient practice can be used to make the home flow with positive energy or chi. Here are some of the basic feng shui practices that you need to know and can easily apply to make your home as well as your life filled with positive chi.
In order to fill your home with good chi, you may need to have good quality air as well as lighting. In feng shui, it is believed that chi flows through with the help of air as well as natural light. Because of this, it is essential to make use of these two elements to ensure that the home flows with good chi. To allow the good energy into your home, you would need to open your windows often to let natural air into the home.
You can also use air purifying plants or an air purifier at home to make sure that the air remains clean and pure. Also try to allow as much natural light into your home to allow good chi to fill your home.

Unclutter Your Home
Clutter is a known obstacle to the flow of chi. It can have an effect on health as well as the overall energy levels and quality of life. Too much clutter can drain your energy as well as impede good energy from flowing into your home or life. Getting rid of the clutter can also help get rid of the negative load that affects your life. By clearing clutter, you are creating a harmonious environment in your home flowing with good energy.

Know Your Feng Shui Birth Element
In order to understand better how you can use feng shui to achieve a certain balance in your life and home, you might need to know your own birth element. There is a certain element that corresponds to your birth year. Knowing what element your are born with can help you decide on what is the best approach to achieve that certain balance in feng shui. You can use your feng shui birth element to introduce the different expressions of the element into your home through the use of colors and the balance of the other complementary elements in your life and home.

Know Your Kua Number
According to feng shui, each person has his or her own kua number that corresponds to one’s date of birth and gender. The kua number also tells of each person’s energy needs. In the school of feng shui called the Flying Stars, people may belong in either one of two energy groups- the East or the West. For the East Group, their kua numbers may either be 1, 3, 4 or 9.

For those on the West group, their kua numbers can either be 2,6,7 or 8. you can use your kua number to determine directions and orientation of structures such as your home or where you face when working in order to ensure good positive energy to flow through. These feng shui basics can help you start off in making your life and home flow with good chi.

Simple Feng Shui Tips for the Home
Part of an ancient Chinese art and science, feng shui is basically concerned with the harmonious relationship between man and his environment. It is based on a Taoist idea that nature is alive and has energy in different forms.
Many modern aficionados assert that feng shui is the practice of arranging objects, such as in the home, to help attract positive energy. The following are a few basic feng shui tips for the home:
1. A marble table in the house is not good for the career since it attracts work stress. A red sofa set too is often said to give rise to work obstacles and troubles. Replace that marble table with a wooden one, and that red sofa with any other color.
2. Have enough lighting in the rooms because light is an important source of energy. In dull spaces where natural light from the window is limited, paint the walls with yellow, which represents sunlight.
3. The bed should be placed next to a wall. You must not also sleep in a way where your feet are pointed towards the door, as this has negative connotation. A mirror where you can see yourself in as you are lying in bed has to be removed, or covered with a blanket as you sleep.
4. The doorway should not be obstructed with anything, such as shoes and other items. A clear entrance allows the positive energy to freely enter the room. It is also advised that the seating is so arranged that anyone inside the room will be able to see the door.
5. Placing mirrors in the room help positive energy dart through the area. They amplify the amount of light inside the room. Mirrors also make the room appear much larger than it actually is, giving a cozy vibe.
6. Plants represent nature, and having your self surrounded by them evokes the healing and nurturing vibrations of nature right into your room. However, dying or dead plants attract negative energy, so take them out immediately.
7. Make sure that there is no refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher and even sink placed opposite the stove. Fire and water clash; this might stir up negative energies that may cause the family members to have disagreements with one another.
8. Never allow your children to sleep on the floor because it may cause them to get sick often. Ideally, positive energy flowing underneath the bed is beneficial. So it is advised for your children to sleep in beds with space beneath them. However, it is not recommended for them to use double bunk beds because the child sleeping beneath will get sickly.
9. The flowing of positive energy is generally interrupted by disorder or clutter in the room. Positive energy should be allowed to flow freely in the room, and from one space to the other. Clutter has to be removed especially from the center of your house, which is considered the heart of the house.

10. Keep your bathroom clean and the bathroom door closed at all times since you don’t want the negative energy inside it flow outside. You might also want to close all doors in the home as you sleep as it helps provide health domestic relationships and promotes health.
For beginners, feng shui does not have to mean using particular tools to come up with a harmonious home. Sticking to the basic aspects is enough to attract the right energies into your home.