World Yoga Festival

World Yoga Festival JulyJul 29 2021 - AugustAug 01 2021 UTCGreenlands Park, Marlow Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 3AP, UK

WHY WORLD YOGA FESTIVAL : Yoga practice originated in India about 5,000 years ago and is now popular throughout the world. Yoga can be the path to total health and fitness of the mind and body but only when approached in a holistic manner.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define yoga as "the stilling of the changing states of the mind". The eight Ashtanga (limbs) of yoga are as follows:
Yama - Moral or ethical code

Niyama - Self-purification and sturdy

Asana - Postures

Pranayama - Breath Control

Pratyahara - Withdrawing of the mind from the senses.

Dharana - Concentration

Dhyana - Deep Meditation

Samadhi - Union with the object of meditation

But only Asana and Pranayama are regularly practiced leaving most of the other faces of Yoga unexplored. This festival has been created to explore all aspects of Yoga in a fun and enjoyable way. The festival gathers a revered collection of Yoga masters from all disciplines in a tranquil and serene setting embedded in nature.

This is your opportunity to learn the following from true Master of Yoga, Meditation & Wisdom.

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Greenlands Park, Marlow Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 3AP, UK


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