How YOGA increases HAPPINESS

Are you a happy person? Most people would answer that they feel happy sometimes, for example when they enjoyed a nice day with their partner, family or friends, when they enjoyed some delicious food, or, perhaps a good movie. While all these things can make us feel happy, they are still triggers from outside. Now what about triggers from inside? The real happiness, wise people say, comes from the inside, from the focus an individual sets, from the ate of mind, from the well-being. However, there is something more to it. Happiness feelings are interconnected with the body’s own ability to produce “happy hormones” like dopamine, serotonin and others. These act like neurotransmitters stimulating the happy feelings. 

The good news is: With YOGA you can actively increase your HAPPINES! Practising certain yoga asanas motivates the body to increase the production of the happy hormones. In this newsletter edition you will learn more about that.

In this addition, the veda cook shares with you how to make a happiness smoothy to boost your happy feelings and energy level in spring. 

You will also find the new yoga quizz inside the newsletter. The answer to the previous quiz question is: Lotus. And, one Anliveda Yoga Teacher answers the question of reader:“What can I do to reduce stiffness and pain from sitting long hours in the office behind the computer?” You are welcome to right your questions to:

Furthermore, the Anliveda Yoga Teachers Shiva and Michaela, whom you know from many courses, take you to Cambodia, where they give wonderful yoga retreats and also teachers’ trainings. Michaela and Shiva have also written very insightful yoga books, with great illustrations, a win-win book for beginners as well as advanced yoga practitioners. The books: YOGASANAM PARIVAR, Part 1, and, YOGASANAM PARIVAR, Part 2 are available as electronic books through the Book Bazaar on: as well as through the Google Bookstore.

Enjoy the 3rd edition of the ANLIVEDA YOGA NEWSLETTER,


Anliveda Yoga Team

Anliveda Yoga for Happiness Course link, just copy into your browser line on top

Further links:

For those of you who like a deep dive in the topic, the book “Yogasanam Parivar, Part 1”, available through Books Google as an e-Book through link:

and also as pdf through in the Book Bazaar.

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